COVA Leadership
The Rome Council of Volunteer Administrators (COVA) is a network of volunteer administrators and other community leaders interested in volunteer management in the Rome/Floyd community. They strive to professionalize the field of volunteering by promoting:
• Effective leadership and management practices
• Networking opportunities
• Resource development
• Technical assistance
• Diversity
Regular meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month. COVA also organizes low-cost workshops to promote trends in volunteering. Workshop attendees benefit from networking and skill building activities.
COVA recognizes local volunteers and announces “Volunteer of the Year” at an annual recognition luncheon.
COVA is the local branch of the Georgia Association of Volunteer Administrators (GAVA), a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the effectiveness of volunteerism within the state of Georgia.
President: Tenia Shaw, The Sexual Assault Center of NWGA
Vice President: Jim Moore, NAMI Rome
Secretary: Torri Brown, Habitat for Humanity
Treasurer: Kathy Phillips, The Exchange Club Family Resource Center
Berry College - Bonner Center for Community Engagement
Berry College - Bonner Scholars Program
Berry College - Volunteer Services
Exchange Club of Rome - Family Resource Center
Floyd County Juvenile Court
Floyd Medical Center - Volunteer Services
NWGA Regional Commission Area Agency on Aging
NWGA Center for Independent Living
COVA's member agency representatives during a monthly meeting.
2016 Member Agencies